Monday, January 31, 2005

Ballistics - A Flickr Photoset

Fantastic Flickr photoset showing a .22 caliber bullet passing through various objects. The one to the right is a bar of soap, showing the cavitation effect with deformation of the slug.

New Cargo Barge

What a title! Using only 15 of the 55 characters paid for. And for a $20,000/$25,000 item? I could think of more keywords for these.

M&M / Skittles color sorter

Nifty little gadget that sorts by color. Amazing simplicity in just one moving part. Don't miss the video. via Engadget.

Advertise on My Pregnant Belly

Amber Rainey's swollen belly is much bigger than someone's forehead. Reserve has been met. People can't help but look.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

A Painting A Day

Duane Keiser has committed to painting a postcard sized image every day, and posting it on his blog. They sell for $100. Most are already sold. Not a bad way to make a living.

Reading a bit further, seems his Dad is senior editor at Proceedings magazine, the Naval journal. Don't miss this painting WaveOff.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Dethroning King Gillette

Robert X. Cringely asks, "Is iPod the Razor or the Blade?" Apple has sold 250 million songs to date and has sold 10 million iPods.

Live from Iraq, it's CubanTV

Since its my network, and this is something I think is amazing and compelling, we are going to broadcast the feed continuously on HDNet during daylight and twilight hours in Baghdad. No talking heads. No interruptions for commentary. Just the sights and sounds of Baghdad, uninterrupted and unedited. What you see, and in High Definition you see and hear a lot, is what you get.

Sub 711 hits mountain

The navigational chart just said "discolored water"? It's a good thing this boat didn't have the vertical launch tubes forward, or there would have been an even bigger mess. I found a before and after shot from similar perspectives. It kind of looks like the damage is just on the port side... odd... you'd think it would be more on the bottom.

Conservative Talk Show Host For Sale

Michael Graham from 630-WMAL in Washington DC is for sale!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bill Ransic's Crossfire on O

Bill Ransic, the Apprentice, is auctioning his 2005 Chrysler Crossfire on Overstock auctions. Proceeds to benefit cancer research, in his father's name.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Flickr coincidence

Amazing story of two photographs.

The Intimate Planet

John Perry Barlow gets a couple of Skype calls and says "I'm beginning to think this Internet thing may turn out to be emotionally important after all."

Introducing the Whovel

The Whovel uses your body weight to lift and throw snow and slush. With leverage, the Whovel magnifies your effort. It can double the power you supply and avoid many of the risks associated with snow shoveling. via Gizmodo.

True Love expressed in keyboard conversion

This guy REALLY loves his wife. via MeFi.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Chocolate Sushi

Suedy's Koo-Ki Sushi is made with the finest chocolate, delectable flavorings and rice cookies, intead of raw fish, vinegar and rice. via BoingBoing.

Soundseeing Tour of Albert Cuyp Market

Very creative photo tour. Click on the audio link and once it starts, you can click on photo#1.

Mr. Shepard's Shears

These shears were given to me by head cutter, Mr. Hallberry on his retirement, after forty years with Anderson & Sheppard. ...And doubtless I'll pass them on to some young turk when my turn to step down arrives.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The Death of Yesterday

Twenty years ago, an everyday virus destroyed Clive Wearing's brain. Now, all he can remember is music - and his wife.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

NASCAR sponsorship up on eBay

My brother Andrew found this interesting auction for a 16 square inch sponsorship on Kirk Shelmerdine's #27.

Halfway through the snowstorm

Just a few quick shots around the house.

Chinese 'to overtake US net use'

The Chinese net-using population looks set to exceed that of the US in less than three years, says a report. via GapingVoid.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Google Mail Tips

A comprehensive set of Gmail helps.

Best Offer on Fixed Price listings

A new twist on eBay Fixed Price listings. Sounds messy.

Little People

Great Flickr photo set on kids.

Ride the wild eBay!

This situation with eBay is a fascinating example of how the market works and how there are potentially enormous amounts of money to be made if you have a lot of money to spend and take advantage of a sudden opportunity like this.

Overstock vs. eBay

The Motley Fool's take on Overstock's potential.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

A journey through a jet engine

Suck, squeeze, bang, blow. Flash animation.

New ToDo List site

Great single purpose web service. Make and share simple ToDo lists.

eBay Q4 announcement

For the year a net of $3.27B on $34.2B in successful listings, but missed EPS projection by one cent. PayPal payments of $18.9B. 56.1 million "active" users (bought or sold at least once). Stock split approved. And my category, Home & Garden, reached $2.0B.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

PC Magazine reviews Picasa 2.0

Once again, Google's done it right.

Google to announce "no follow" tag

Google will introduce new technology controls to thwart people using blogs to manipulate rankings in its search results.

Keychain Plants

Latest fad from Japan. via Gizmodo.

Million Dollar Baby

Everyone is talking about Clint Eastwood's new movie, Million Dollar Baby (trailer). What you may not know however is that the movie was based on a short story in a book by the name of Rope Burns: Stories From The Corner by the late F.X. Toole (aka Jerry Boyd). The book by the way was called, "...the best boxing short fiction ever written," by James Ellroy of L.A. Confidential fame. via MeFi.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Picasa 2 Released

Picasa -- the free photo-sharing service recently bought by Google -- just went live with version 2.0 about an hour ago. Included in the new edition, a collage-generating tool, photographic editing features, CD burning, sending pictures with Gmail, and a Blogger button for automated publishing to your blog. via BoingBoing.

Electronics with Borders

Hewlett-Packard is region coding their ink-jet cartridges. Try putting a printer cartridge bought in the U.S. into a new H-P printer configured to use cartridges purchased in Europe and it won't work. WSJ.

The Information and Communications Technology literacy assessment

Educational Testing Service, the nonprofit group behind the SAT, Graduate Record Examination and other college tests, has developed a new test that it says can assess students' ability to make good critical evaluations of the vast amount of material available to them.

EBay Sellers Protest Planned Fee Increases

"We believe that these changes are the right thing to do to ensure the continued success of eBay and the vibrancy of the eBay marketplace." WashPost.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Nailing the source of a toothache

A dentist found the source of the toothache Patrick Lawler was complaining about on the roof of his mouth.

Crazy looking fish

Looks like a Russian diver's been fishing deep...

Flickr down for a server move

Their blog stays up, with status on the move, complete with pictures.

Friday, January 14, 2005

No More Internet for Them

Fed up over problems stemming from viruses and spyware, some computer users are giving up or curbing their use of the Web. LA Times.

Sign on the X

Testing the limits of credit card receipt signatures. via MeFi.

Darth Tater coming Spring 2005

This dark side incarnation of Mr. Potato -- Darth Tater -- comes with lightsaber, cape, helmet, shoes, eyes, nose, teeth, and more!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Blockbuster's "No Late Fees"

"It just says 'No late fees!' and makes it sound like it's cool, but it's not," she said. "People don't want their credit cards messed with."

So, you got a new PC for Xmas

If you are just now experiencing the internet for the first time, I have some bad news for you. This is a very bad neighborhood. Many of the houses are boarded up. There is trash in the street. People will jump in your face and try to sell you things you don't want. And there are people waiting for you to walk down the wrong alleyway so they can mug you. Welcome to the World Wide Web.

No more Baby Einstein

Nirvana, AC/DC, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, The Sex Pistols... soothing sounds for the nursery. Classic tracks, recreated in a lullaby style... whatever rocks your baby's cradle.

Air Florida Flight 90

Twenty-two years ago today. "Larry, we're going down Larry." "I know it."

Burns PBS special on Jack Johnson

From "Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson". The day after the fight, the Los Angeles Times ran an editorial titled "A word to the black man," which said, "You are no better than you were yesterday."

eBay fee increases

The big ones for me:
  • Gallery $0.25 to $0.35
  • 10 Day $0.20 to $0.40
  • FVF on Store inventory 5.25% to 8%

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

McDonald's McShwarma

Yeah, but they don't say "Please" in Israel, right?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Frank must die

Today I am selling a bumper sticker FRANK MUST DIE.

Monday, January 10, 2005

AuctionDrop Closes Stores, Lays Off Staff

The numbers just don't add up...

Young Cell Users Rack Up Debt, One Dime Message at a Time

Last month, though, Mr. Albert's habit caught up with him. Only $80 of his $400 cellphone charges were his father's, and most of his own, he said, were for text-messaging.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

eBay employee fired over online post

"This person was an eBay employee, but is no longer an eBay employee."

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Airline Food

Interesting Flickr photoset of airline food served on KLM, Malaysian Airlines, TAM, LAN Chile, Continental and Emirates.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Flickr uploading is SLOW

So it's a combination of Holiday & Tsunami.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

My Favorite Smallware

Yet another list of useful utilities.